Concussion Management


A concussion (mild traumatic brain injury) is a functional disruption of the brain - resulting from a force strong enough to abnormally elongate the brain neurons. It is often referred to as an “invisible scar” as it cannot be seen with the naked eye, or even on brain imaging like CT scans and MRI. Apart from direct trauma to the head, a concussion can also result from a blow to another part of the body, thereby, transmitting forces to the head. 

Each person is unique, each brain is unique, and the brain is very dynamic and constantly changing over time. Gone are the days where the only treatment for concussion was to sit in a dark, silent room until the symptoms went away. The most effective and successful post-concussive care relies on two things: an accurate evaluation leading to an individualized treatment plan, and integrated care by a health care team with sufficient expertise that supports the individual first and foremost. 


Having sustained a concussion myself, I realize how debilitating and frustrating the symptoms can be. The injury inspired me to unearth the latest evidence in post-concussive care. I share my findings with my patients and advocate for the creation of their dream team to help them get on the road to recovery.